Animal Agriculture and Factory Farming
Title: 5 Types of Animal Exploitation Considered ‘Normal’ in the US
Summary: Learn about The Five Types of Animal Exploitation considered NORMAL in the USA. Animal farming is one of the biggest contributors to climate change (equal to transportation), and YOU can help make a change.
Title: Fast facts about animal agriculture to help you get informed
Summary: More information about factory farming.
Title: Want To Reduce Pandemic Risk? Start By Ending Factory Farming.
Summary: This link really was one of my favorites out of all the ones on here. It really helps put you in the animals’ shoes where they are inside the factories, awaiting a disastrous fate.
Regenerative Farming
Title: Farmer’s Footprint – Regeneration ~The Beginning
Summary: What is “Regenerative Farming?” It is the next generation of growing food, although its principles lie in traditional farming practices. Regenerative agriculture focuses on rebuilding organic matter and living biodiversity in soil, to grow more nutrient-dense food for a longer time, while also sequestering excess carbon in the atmosphere to help reverse climate change.