Find your particular interest and skill. Are you an art teacher and can show your students how to use more sustainable materials, like avoiding glitter (microplastic) or using biodegradable glitter?
Next, how can it be bigger than “ME?” Maybe it’s not what you can do alone as an individual — but what can “WE” do? Using the example of an art teacher, you may design an art project using zero-waste materials, applying this to your entire portfolio of projects amongst your students, and also talking to the other teachers in the school district about scrutinizing art materials being used for sustainability.
Who is the WE? Can you make changes at home, school or work? Can you influence your family members and friends? What about influencing your school or company to adopt more sustainable ways? Or, you might consider asking your local restaurants to change plasticware to compostable cutlery and takeout containers. Be creative!
Environmental Scouts encourages all of us to be leaders in our own communities by promoting a dynamic, real-life educational experience, using our platform to connect to other environmental nonprofits.

Invest in Youth! Although “Youth” makes up 25% of the human population, “Youth” is 100% of the future.

Environmental Scouts aims to inspire our youth to be leaders in their own communities by building a dynamic, real-life educational curriculum and spreading awareness. This type of knowledge is not gained solely through books. It is primarily from seeing what others have done, identifying what improvements can be made in your own current life situation, and finding ways to get involved. Environmental Scouts is a shared platform for environmental movements across various sectors. As we know it, life on Earth is interconnected, a delicate balance. We cannot separate out which environmental issue is more important than the other. Global Warming, Plastic Pollution, Extinction, threats to Biodiversity, Social Justice – like clean air, water, land/communities, energy, food, the wild – are all equally important components in our delicate ecosystem that are tightly interwoven.
How else can Environmental Scouts empower youth?
We are a COMMON PLATFORM – for different environmental NGO’s (nongovernmental organizations), youth change-makers, youth organizations who want to learn more and share their good work, and for all of those who want to get involved. By forming this coalition, each standing for various (but interrelated) causes, we have a stronger voice to amplify our directive and attract government and corporate sponsors to further the good work and invest in educational curriculums for everyone.
Defending our home we known as Earth requires more than a single voice. Join us. We need your voice and are inviting ALL OF YOU (all ages) to use Environmental Scouts as your resource for a more sustainable future.